RBT_Common Fantasy_Install_Common Side.jpg
 Common Fantasy, 2020  The ADN Guardhouse at the Wende Museum of the Cold War, Los Angeles, California  Research for the Bermuda Triangle (RBT) is a collaboration between Regina Mamou and Lara Salmon. The following projects are a selection of images
 Publick Spectacle, 2019 PØST’s nomadic project at MiM Gallery, Los Angeles, California
 Dazzle Camouflage, 2019 Performance festival Weekend at Berenice Flat Top Hill (Montecito Heights), Los Angeles, California
 7 Actions for a Concrete-Colored Sky Fluxus festival Cantos Comunes/Common Chants 13th Bienal de la Habana parallel program, The Blockhouse, Havana, Cuba
 Geldwä$€he, 2019 SomoS Art Space, Berlin, Germany
 Best Western, 2019 Queens Collective, Marrakech, Morocco
 contraDINE, 2018 Concept 2092 at Haven for Artists, Beirut, Lebanon
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