“Past Present: Archaeology’s Giant Leap Onto the International Space Station,” by Jamie Seidel, Cosmos, 2022‡
(‡ denotes Research for the Bermuda Triangle (RBT) collaborative press)
“SCHÖNESHOW. 30 künstlerische positionen aus Berlin bespielen den Schönegarten” [trans. “SCHÖNESHOW: 30 artistic positions from Berlin play on the Schönegarten”], by Art at Berlin [in German only], 2021
“Hvordan lugter Danmark år 2021? Hvordan lugtede DDR før murens fald?” [trans. “How does Denmark smell in 2021? How did the GDR smell before the fall of the wall?”], by Nils Thorsen, Politiken [in Danish only], 2021‡
“A Fragrance Bottles Up the Everyday Scents of Former East Germany,” by Renée Reizman, Hyperallergic, 2021‡
“The Scent of East Germany in a Tincture,” by Eddie Bulliqi, Fragrantica, 2020‡
“Meet Regina Mamou and Lara Salmon of Research for the Bermuda Triangle,” by VoyageLA, 2019‡
“Geldwä$€he,” by Madeleine Archer, essay for the eponymous exhibition at SomoS Art House, Berlin, Germany, 2019‡
“contraDINE,” essay by Layane El Hajjar, essay for the eponymous exhibition at Haven for Artists, Beirut, Lebanon, 2019‡
“Passengers of a Kaleidoscopic Journey,” by Rachel Boser, Talking About Art, 2018
“Thru the Roof,” by Ximena Keogh Serrano, essay for Thru the Roof, 2018
“Regina Mamou’s ‘How the West Was Won’ at Adjunct Positions,” by Georgia Lassner, Unpublished, 2018
“Fog,” by Meg Whiteford, essay for Unfortunately, It Was Paradise, 2016
“Fresh Faces in Art: Artists You Should Know,” by Max Presneill, Fabrik, Issue 31, 2016
“Exhibition Review: Unfortunately, It Was Paradise,” by John Murphy, Contemporaneity, Vol. 4, 2015
“Critic’s Pick: Infringement,” by Cate McQuaid, The Boston Globe, 2015
“Postmodern Photography at Purdue's Rueff Galleries,” by Wei-Huan Chen, JC Online, 2014
“Review: Distant Images, Local Positions,” by Sabrina DeTurk, Afterimage, Vol. 41, no. 5, 2014
“New Artists Feature, Fall 2013,” by David Andrew Frey, Culturehall, Issue 105, 2013
“Recommended Review: Regina Mamou/City Gallery,” by Michael Weinstein, Newcity Art, 2013
“Chicago Critic’s Pick: Regina Mamou/Historic Water Tower Gallery,” by Monica Westin, Artforum.com, 2013
“Vision, However Uncertain,” by Karsten Lund, essay for Unfortunately, It Was Paradise, 2013
“Featured Artist Interview,” by Stacia Yeapanis, OtherPeoplesPixels' blog, 2012
“How Do You Navigate a City With No Street Names?,” by Amanda Erickson, The Atlantic Cities, 2012
“Six Artists Test Power of Public Art in Amman,” by Jonah Shepp, The Jordan Times, 2010
“Ego-Casting,” by Jason Foumberg, Newcity Art, 2009
“A Mirror at the Event Horizon,” by Jason Foumberg, Newcity Art, 2007